"Increasing the Employability of Youth, Women and NEETs
in the Agri-Food and Waste Management Industries"
From January 12th to 14th 2021, the project partners of the “Mediterranean Youth, NEETs and women advancing Skills, Employment and Awareness in the Blue and Green Economy – MYSEA” got together through a series of virtual meetings in order to officially launch the project.
The kick-off meeting was organized by the Lead Beneficiary Cies Onlus and dedicated to discuss the Work Packages and the related activities.
Monitoring and Evaluation Expert Loredana Gionne inaugurated the meeting with a welcome message. In her intervention, she stressed how MYSEA project within ENI CBC MED PROGRAMME addresses the common challenges of the countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region: youth unemployment and the low participation of women in the labour market.
In turn, Project Manager Lucia Conti while stressing the importance of the project and the related activities, introduced the Agenda by giving participants an overview and the background of the project.
Branch Office Representative for the Western Mediterranean Joumana Sweiss presented the ENI CBC Med Programme whereas the JTS Coordinator Fabrizio Paloni spoke about the major role of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) in assisting the Managing Authority (MA) in the day-to-day management as well as in supporting the beneficiaries and partners in the implementation.
Afterwards, short presentations about the partners took place followed by an overview of the project in terms of Work Packages tasks and responsibilities, expected results and timelines.
Consequently, the delegates of the partnering organizations presented their specific Work Package as follows: WP1: Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (CIES Onlus), WP2: Dissemination, Communication Strategy Plan (LDN), WP3: Research and Cross Borders Analysis (University of Palermo and JUST), WP4: Boost Skills and Bridge Gap (Eurotraining) and WP5: Rethinking Pathways to Employment (UTSS) respectively.
During the second day, the Financial Managers discussed the Budget’s breakdown, the administrative Financial Management components vis-à-vis the tools and deliverables where the meeting concluded with a general presentation of the Work Plan.
The third day was dedicated for the Steering Committee with the presence of all the Associates Partners. It consisted of a general round up of the Work Packages’ tasks and responsibilities, expected results and timelines. The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, the Communication Strategy Plan and the Year1 Work Plan have been approved during the meeting.
The kick-off meeting was organized with the technical support of the European Association for Local Democracy – ALDA+.
The Consortium is led by the Centro Informazione E Educazione Allo Sviluppo - CIES (Italy) with the partnership of the University of Palermo - Department of Agricultural, Food and Forest Sciences – UNIPA (Italy), the Eurotraining Educational Organization SA (Greece), the Lebanese Development Network – LDN (Lebanon), the Tunisian Union of Social Solidarity - UTSS (Tunisia) and the Jordan University of Science and Technology - JUST (Jordan).
‘MYSEA’ is a 30 months’ project with a total budget €3,695,010 EURO. It is financed by the European Union with a 90% contribution under the ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme.” It aims at increasing the employability of youth, women and NEETs in the agri-food and waste management industries by developing training oriented to both sectors and strengthening local governance and sector-skills alliances between economic actors and TVET institutions to align the education curricula with sector’s needs.