

On the 4th of July 2023, the Agence de la Démocratie Locale in Kairouan, Tunisia (ADL Tunisie) organized the International Multiplier Event pertaining to READY project with the participation of the partnering organizations.

The event was dedicated to disseminate the project’s outcomes and results to a broader audience for a wider recognition and visibility.

It provided an opportunity to the public to meet and discuss with a group of experts from Italy and France several related topics such as ‘The importance of introducing the kids to the endangerment of biodiversity through outside activities’ as well as ‘The significance of culture and arts in the awakening of youth towards climate change.’ 
During the meeting, prizes were distributed to the project’s managers where young participants had the opportunity to share their learning experience by highlighting the various challenges faced.

READY is an EU-funded project which seeks to strengthen the socio-ecological awareness and capacity building of its young beneficiaries. Through the environmental issue, young beneficiaries will develop skills through campaigning, project management, communication, advocacy, etc.

The Consortium is comprised of: Associazione per l'Ambasciata della Democrazia Locale a Zavidovici Onlus – Impresa Sociale (ADL Zavidovici) – Italy, European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) – France, Right Challenge Associacao – Portugal, Agence de la Démocratie Locale Tunisie, Kairwan – Tunisia, We Youth – Tunisia, Community Volunteers Foundation – Turkey, Association Culturelle Et Educative Arc En Ciel Commune De Ain Sefra – Algeria and the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) – Lebanon.