

“Building Today the Mediterranean of Tomorrow”

The Lebanese Development Network (LDN) participated at the ENI CBC MED Info Day held in Beirut. The event was organized in partnership with the Lebanese national authorities and in the presence of local governance project manager at the EU Delegation Gianandrea Villa.

The Info Day included two parts, the first one focused on the General information on the call for proposals whereas the second emphasized the Technical information on the application procedure. The sessions were dedicated to provide potential applicants and partners with all necessary details for the submission of Strategic Projects under this call, which total budget is €68.5 million.

The Call addresses four main thematic activities such as: 1) Business and SMEs development,  2)  Support to education, research, technological development and innovation, 3) Promotion of social inclusion and the fight against poverty (including support to CSOs), and 4) Environmental protection, climate change adaptation and mitigation (including water management, waste treatment and recycling and renewable energy)

It tackles in return seven following priorities: A.1.1 - Support innovative start-up, A.1.2 - Strengthen and support Euro-Mediterranean networks, A.2.1 - Support technological transfer and commercialisation of research results, A.3.1 - Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills, B.4.1 - Support innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency and encourage use of non-conventional water supply, B.4.2 - Reduce municipal waste generation and promote source separated collection, B.4.3 - Support cost-effective and innovative energy rehabilitations relevant to building types and climatic zones.

This gathering took place as well in twelve other cities from the MENA region and Europe.