

“Successfully Design and Lead a Multi-Partner Project”

Under the theme "Successfully Design and Lead a Multi-Partner Project,” BUSINESSMED and Malta Employers’ Association (MEA) organized in Valletta a special workshop on EU Projects’ Development.

The Certified Training Course took place in the context of EBSOMED in cooperation with Welcomeurope. It seeks to emphasize the ERASMUS+ Knowledge Alliances Programme and to improve the capacity of the participants from Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Malta and Portugal, and enable them as well to develop and implement international cooperation projects in the Mediterranean.

By focusing on “designing and leading a multi-partner project and holding lots of opportunities to exchange of innovative ideas and projects,” the workshop provided candidates with a solid knowledge-base on how to effectively use the key tools to meet the specific EU regulations and to bring the projects to a successful end.

In addition, it was designed to increase awareness on the EU rules, obligations of the leader and the partners, and to provide participants with the skills to manage European projects.

The training targets the Business Support Organisations (BSOs) and mainly Employers' Confederations and comprised of the following topics: 1) A Case Study: ERASMUS + Knowledge Alliances programme; 2) A Workshop on "Speed matching: building a consortium around a shared vision;" 3) The project Leader and Partners responsibilities; 4) A Workshop on "Defining the logic of intervention of each project and identifying the roles of all partners;" 5) Fundamentals of Project Management; and the Application Package.