Title: Young Community Leader in Action Y.C.L.A
Period: January 2023 - December 2025
Location: Italy, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Tunisia and Morocco
Budget: € 288,087 Euro
Y.C.L.A is an Erasmus+ funded project aiming to increase the youths’ participation and civic engagement in the Euro-Mediterranean region’s societies, promoting active citizenship practices, networking and political dialogue in youth policies field.
Through its 3 years of existence and its partnership extending over 6 countries around the Mediterranean Sea, the project will train 180 young people with fewer opportunities in order to promote that youth leadership is vital to develop, maintain, and sustain communities and to increase the young people’s opportunities to take part in the decision-making process by enhancing their participation to the civic life as active political subjects.
Y.C.L.A. promotes young people ENGAGEMENT, where it CONNECTS youths and policy makers, and aims to EMPOWERS them as active members of their communities, providing them with leadership skills and improving the political dialogue, active citizenship and democratic life in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The Consortium consists of the following organizations: Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud (CISS) – Italy, Action Synergy SA – Greece, Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfi (TOG) – Turkey, Lebanese Development Network (LDN) – Lebanon, EuroMediterranean Eve – Morocco and Club Culturel Ali Balhouane (CCAB) - Tunisia.