Title: DOUACTism
Period: January 2023 - December 2024
Location: The Netherlands, Croatia, Kosovo, Lebanon and Morocco
Budget: € 300,000 Euro
DOUACTism is an Erasmus+ funded project aiming to develop new ways to engage, connect and empower youngsters.
Through its 2 years of existence and its partnership extending over 5 countries around the Mediterranean Sea, Balkan and western EU, the project will train Youth Workers to work with the developed innovative (blended learning) Non Formal Education (NFE) materials.
DOUACTism seeks to create an innovative portfolio of NFE materials that is digital, easy to use and scalable focused on social inclusion, environmental challenges, and social entrepreneurial mindset, to build an ecosystem of CSOs and youngsters, in co-creation with local communities and government, that can act as an accelerator for sustainable change; and to engage, connect and empower youngsters (75 % young women; 30 % from a minority background).
The consortium is comprised of: MasterPeace Foundation – Netherlands, Center for Counseling, Social Services and Research (SIT) – Kosovo, Ludbreska Udruga Mladih Entuzijasta (LUMEN) – Croatia, MasterPeace Morocco – Morocco and the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) – Lebanon.