

We often create a purpose statement and, then, for some reason we forget about it. We may get busy, the business environment may have changed, or the scope of activities has shifted in a way.

After a while, we realize that we’ve lost sight of the clear and current goals, and the motive that previously supported the momentum has been waylai.

Hence, keeping track on the organizational core purpose requires a thorough review of the overall process in terms of defining the aspired impact, the specific outcomes, and the team point of alignment.

The ‘Reflection on Organizational Purpose’ workshop constitutes a tool through which organizations affirm their mission, find synergies across their team efforts, and learn holistically from successes and challenges.

It deepens the organizational knowledge on the strategic aspects, and gives teams and management a chance to review, assess, and celebrate the milestones achieved through building a strong, focused, and assertive manner.

Through this process, organizations will be able:
- To mitigate the blind spots
- To get repositioned
- To reshape the course of action

09:30 – 10:00 Welcome Coffee
10:00 – 11:15 Session 1: The 10 Guidelines
11:15 – 11:45 Break
11:45 – 13:00 Session 2: Strategic Options & Key Choices
13:00 – 13:30 Wrap-up

Target audience:

Payment Method:
- OMT Services
- Deposit to be made to the order of: Mr. Amin Nehme
- Please make sure to send us a copy of the receipt for tracking and verification to: [email protected]