In the framework of ALFinMOTION - the Anna Lindh Foundation Mobility Program - CulturePolis organized in Athens, Greece during the month of May 2024 a series of meetings dedicated to enhance the exchange process and improve the collaboration with the Lebanese Development Network (LDN) on various levels.
The first item on the agenda was the visit paid to the President of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture, Mr. Nikos Koukis, which took place in presence of the President of CulturePolis Prof. Vasileios Laopodis, and the Director General Maria-Louisa Laopodis.
During the conversation, Koukis clarified about “the major goals of the Foundation while emphasizing the importance of the mutual cooperation between both Lebanese and Greek communities.”
The group met afterward with the Anna Lindh Network Coordinator in Greece, Dr. Stefanos Vallianatos, who stressed the high significance of such networking activities in strengthening connections among the different ALF members to explore potential partnerships.
The schedule included a virtual meeting with Despoina Chalvatzi, Project Manager at SciFY – Science For You, the Not-for-Profit Company for information technology systems. Chalvatzi explained about the major Impact Areas pertaining to SciFY’s scope of work such as Artificial Intelligence, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Education and Science Dissemination.
The delegation visited as well Impact Hub Athens where they met with Elena Kalimeri, Entrepreneurial Services Manager, and other team members. Kalimeri presented the concept of the Hub, its objectives, and the services it provides in terms of promoting, enabling, and accelerating entrepreneurship and social innovation in service of the target people.
The agenda was meant as well to align the vision of the Advisory Board of CulturePolis whose members convened to discuss the strategy, and to set the Action Plan for the period of 2024 – 2025.
The meeting provided an opportunity for open discussions about the ideas to pursue, the shared understanding of the tasks ahead, and the tangible results to be delivered.
The Board is comprised of Prof. Yannis Manolopoulos - Board Member at the Open University of Cyprus; Annika Patregnani - President of HABITAT WORLD; Stefan Horn - CEO of Urban Dialogues; and Amin Nehme - President of the Lebanese Development Network (LDN).
ALFinMOTION strengthens equal partnerships and cooperation between intercultural dialogue (ICD) operators and encourages thriving Civil Society Networks willing to deliver interdisciplinary responses to pressing issues. The mobility programme offers financial support to involve representatives of other organizations from a complementary shore of the Mediterranean in face-to-face initiatives.