

In the framework of EBSOMED project, the Center of Arab Women for Training and Research (CAWTAR) organized in November 2019 the BSO Management Academy “Design Thinking for Business Support Organizations - BSOs.”

The event took place at Laico Hotel in Tunis, Tunisia.  More than 30 BSOs Executives from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon attended the Academy — an event that falls under the outcomes of the first Management Academy on ‘Strategic Planning for BSOs’ previously held in Lebanon.

The extensive workshop aims to equip participants with the desirable methodology and tools to help them utilize effectively the related instruments to solve complex problems and perform hands-on activities that facilitate the overall understanding.

Design thinking is a structured methodology used to develop and deliver products, services and experiences that address latent needs. By adopting design thinking principles, BSOs can build on low cost working prototypes for various requirements and test them in real time.

It can be applied to complex problems - difficult to decipher - where BSOs can transform their cultures into more innovative approach which is likely to have a positive impact on their top and bottom lines.

EBSOMED is a 4-year project co-financed by the European Commission. It was officially launched in June 2018 in Tunis with a major objective to boost the Mediterranean business ecosystem and promote inclusive economic growth and job creation by enhancing the private sector environment and namely the Business Support Organizations in the Southern Neighbourhood countries.